When you say those “I do’s,” the last thing you’re thinking about is divorce. But it happens. In case it does, a local celebrity divorce attorney has written a book that will let you know what to expect and hopefully make the process a lot less painful.

“It’s explained in a very simple way. Not a lot of legalistic terms,” Attorney Randy Kessler told Channel 2′s Tom Jones.

Kessler has spent the last 15 years writing a book he hopes will help you navigate through the end of your nuptials.

He said most people have no idea what to expect when they’re planning to file for divorce.

“When you’re deciding, ‘Do I want to get away from him?’ you have to know what that means. And this starts to help you understand what that means,” Kessler said.

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Family law attorney Randy Kessler says clients in troubled marriages often are frightened and confused when they see a lawyer for the first time. Added to all of the emotional stress, they’re now dealing with what may be to them the mysterious world of divorce law. And they are right to be concerned, he says, calling a divorce for most people “the most important business and personal transaction for the rest of your life.”

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